Rocktober 2011

September was a terrible month.

Kindergarten was a huge adjustment, even bigger than I had thought.  We had to put our cat to sleep.  I was still coming off of the stress from dealing with hurricane, having our anniversary plans ruined, and it was a very stressful month at work.  Other than a few bright spots towards the end of the month, nothing came together.  This is why I have high hopes for October.

Here are a couple of October highlights:

My kids aren’t babies anymore.  Sure, they’re still little and require some degree of care, but I’m not nursing, feeding or birthing any of them.  If I can get one of them to use the toilet, things will be golden.  They can now play independently (with minimal head-butting and spitting) and they are finally adjusting to school.  We survived the first dramatic month of Kindergarten, and now are ready to go through the rest of the year.

I’m going away this month.  Finally, a girls weekend away with one of my best friends.  First time ever for us.  We’re going to Boston and Salem.  It should be fun, and a well deserved vacation.  We also have a couple of great parties coming up at the end of the month.

Beer.  Since my husband started brewing beer, I have found a new interest in drinking craft beers.  October is a great month to discover what’s out there & what’s good.  Plus I think they should have a new batch ready soon.  October also reminds me of Oktoberfest celebrations and the awesome time I spent in Germany.

Lets not forget all the fall agritainment crap of apple/pumpkin picking and corn mazes.  Not always the biggest fan, but I’m going to enjoy doing that stuff with the boys.  I also have a love hate relationship with Halloween costumes.  My kids never want to be anything normal like Spiderman or Batman.  This year they want to be mobile cranes.  This requires me to make their costumes again, and I’m the least crafty person in the entire universe.  They’ll be crying, aggravation and overall annoyance, (Mommy-not the boys) but in the end the kids will have their freakin costumes.  You’re welcome.  We also have good costumes planned for the Halloween party we go to every year.

I also have a big goal this month.  I’m about 10 lbs away from my goal weight and I would like to get there this month.  I feel like  I can do it and I’m up for the challenge.  With all of those crazy stresses out of the way and my renewed outlook on life, I’m ready to put everything into it.  And I think I can do it despite crazy people throwing pretzels, cheeses and beer my way.

October also holds football, sweater weather and hot drinks.  I’m really psyched about this month and for the first time in a long time feel truly relaxed and happy.

So Rocktober, I want you to bring your A game.  I know you won’t disappoint.

~ by lhuber17 on October 2, 2011.

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