I’m Sorry. What?

I woke up this morning, and actually had the urge to write something!  I say this somewhat sarcastically, because I never have time to write anymore.  With two small kids, and working 36 hrs/week, I have trouble finding the thought capacity to formulate sentences.  When I do have time, I spend most of it trolling around on Facebook or challenging my tech-savvy friends to Scrabble games.  I don’t always use my time wisely, but  I think it’s just because I’m on overload all the time.

The funny thing is, I don’t have anything to write.  I’ve already exhausted all of the topics.  My husband is starting a new business venture and my sons are both starting school (Kindergarten and Preschool), and I feel like I’ve covered these topics extensively.  I’ve been working on my anger management stuff again, so I don’t think going over that is worth it at this point.  (It’s still a work in progress…).

Maybe I’m just envious because I have nothing going on.  My job has been the same for about 11 years.  Everyone in my house is starting something new in September…except for me.  I think I’m just envious and wanted to start something too.  I guess…I don’t know.  Hopefully it keeps up…and hopefully I come up with something…


~ by lhuber17 on August 16, 2011.

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