Rock Out…

I’m not the type of girl to write about American Idol.  I don’t watch every season, and I wouldn’t consider myself a fan.  I hated Simon.  I still hate Ryan Seacrest.  But I do love one thing…

Rockers.  I love rockers.

My favorite song when I was in 8th grade was Quicksand Jesus by Skid Row.  I played I was Axl Rose one year for Halloween.  I had this great shirt with the Use Your Illusion I album cover on it that I bought in Germany…where I also fell in love with a couple German punk bands.  A couple years later I fell in love with an Irish rocker n by the name of Paul Hewson, and the lads that travel with him. There’s just something amazing about listening to a powerful, loud, raging voice.

Enter American Idol….

I never thought I would actually enjoy watching, but several years ago I committed myself to move beyond the wacky auditions and see if any of these “kids” had talent.  That was the Clay Aiken year.  I vowed I would never watch again…

A couple of years ago, I started again, after I heard rumors that the show was producing rockers.  Rockers?  Bullshit.  Not possible.  My general feeling is that with performers like Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga, the American people wouldn’t be ready for someone who “rocks” because they prefer people who suck. David Cook proved me wrong, and gave me faith that some people out there still believe in music.

This year, I’m in love with James Durbin.  I could see myself becoming an overaged, idiot groupie to his music.  Embarrassing, yes, but true.  I’ve already laid a ton of cards out in this blog, and although I’m not immune to embarrassment, I definitely care about it less than I did in my Skid Row/GnR days.

I’m pretty embarrassed to say this…but the ability to rock is the one trait that I wished my husband possessed.  I feel like if he would just learn to play some guitar or something…then he’d be perfect 🙂

~ by lhuber17 on March 23, 2011.

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